View Thread: Permission to host a giveaway
Hey, since i have reached level 50. I want to do a xp giveaway and help the community the total xp in this give away would be 20 min disturbited in to 5 people ,
the 1st person will get 10m xp , 2nd person will get 5m xp , 3rd person will get 3m xp , and the 4th and 5th person will get 1m exp (both of them will get the 1m xp)
Su pagraba,
CS Xterme
the 1st person will get 10m xp , 2nd person will get 5m xp , 3rd person will get 3m xp , and the 4th and 5th person will get 1m exp (both of them will get the 1m xp)
Su pagraba,
CS Xterme
Posted on 06/12/2020 11:14

Discord : General#1740
Skype : Louay General
Facebook : Louay YT

Discord : General#1740
Skype : Louay General
Facebook : Louay YT
Fightas wrote:
Even bots with 500 ping from pakistan without mouse have 32+ lvls and almost every month there is a giveaway, maybe its enough ? And xp just gonna be sold
Even bots with 500 ping from pakistan without mouse have 32+ lvls and almost every month there is a giveaway, maybe its enough ? And xp just gonna be sold
yeah i agree with you cause rohan already did a giveaway like a weak ago so ---
Posted on 06/12/2020 20:29
daryk nx
darik jeu zajebala