View Thread: skundas edga

Posted on 03/26/2017 13:46 1
server : umbrella swarm x3
admin : edga
nickname : Ameed

everything started when i killed him, he got angry
and secound time i killed him, after that he kicked me

ss :
Posted on 03/26/2017 13:57 2
Karočia pas mane anglu tokia medine +/- tai pasakysiu prižiūrėtojams, aš jo nekickinau kitas adminas iškickino aš tikrai jo nekickinau, demo negaliu imest nes turiu šokiu tokiu problemu dėl demo kreipkites į mano skype edgar10087
Posted on 03/26/2017 14:20 3
best lies i have ever seen, keep going... lier
Posted on 03/26/2017 15:53 4
The player has been banned.

Thanks to that reported Å ypsosi.

Complaint adopted.

#Theme locked