View Thread: [EN] Guide for Umbrella Swarm[HIGH] and [x3]

Posted on 12/05/2017 19:06 1
hello guys......
This is the Gudie for [] Umbrella Swarm[HIGH] 24/7
And [] Umbrella Swarm[x3] 24/7

[HIGH] server
1- when you human or zombie and kill some one you will get 50 xp [as normal player]and more xp you get more your level get high and if you vip you will get x3 xp.

[x3] server
1- when you human or zombie and kill some one you will get 150 xp [as normal player] and more xp you get more your level get high and if you vip you will get double xp.

some thing in [X3] and [High] servers
1- you cant buy prestige [prs] by say in the chat /prs it will cost from you 150000 xp.
2-you can use your prestige [prs] by say /power and you can choose from them menu what you want.
3-top 3 will get free vip Å ypsosi2

1- you can buy vip/admin/s.admin/unban from here
2-you can buy xp/tags from here
3- if you lost level/xp/power/vip/tag you can go here and make requset
4-you can check server bans from here
5-if you admin see that will help you And Don't use abuse Never or your admin will removed
6-if you get banned you can make request unban from here you should know the unban request from here
7-if you [reconnect- but pipe bomb in T spawn-swearing] you will banned like 15 min or more Liūdnas
8- take a look here it is a rules in LTU lang mybe you will know some things from it

i hope you like it
very soon i will edit it............